Iphone 5 no sim contract
Contents:Nel caso si acquistasse un telefono abbinato ad un contratto questa sarà fornità dall'operatore scelto, mentre invece se si decidesse di optare per un terminale contract-free bisognerà rivolgersi al proprio operatore per effettuare il cambio di SIM. Attualmente per quanto riguarda gli operatori italiani non sono ancora disponibili informazioni sulle modalità necessarie per il cambio di SIM, che dovrebbe comunque avvenire in forma gratuita. E' comunque ragionevole supporre che almeno nelle fasi iniziali dell'arrivo sul mercato di iPhone 5, gli operatori potrebbero andare incontro a qualche problema di disponibilità.
Maggiori informazioni dovrebbero comunque essere rese disponibili in prossimità del lancio sul mercato italiano, che ricordiamo avverrà il prossimo 28 settembre. Quando invii il modulo, controlla la tua inbox per confermare l'iscrizione. Leggi la Privacy Policy per maggiori informazioni sulla gestione dei dati personali. Devi effettuare il login per poter commentare Se non sei ancora registrato, puoi farlo attraverso questo form.
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Spyto 13 Settembre , BlueGhost 13 Settembre , FirePrince 13 Settembre , Peraltro loro la SIM volevano rimuoverla del tutto, ma gli operatori non erano dello stesso parere. Magari al prossimo giro. Holding down the Home button before plugging into iTunes was the key step for me. Without that, I couldn't connect to iTunes to begin the update process. Thank you so much. Found this after spending several hours on the phone to EE, who then referred me to Apple who took another half an hour to tell me they couldnt fix it and to try a different SIM.
Tried the above fix which didnt seem to work, so tried the fix below second and put it in the freezer for an hour! Plugged it back into iTunes and got message on laptop saying the device had malfunctioned, tried to set it up one last time and Am well impressed, thanks again. When I followed these steps and tried to restore my iPhone it popped an error on my screen saying that it could not restore.
Error I tried looking it up and I even updated my computer to see if that would fix the issue. I'm very upset about this because I found out after factory resetting my iPhone that the "searching Came back from a trip after turning off cellular data. My phone was continuously searching. I tried numerous recommendations from our carrier with no help. They recommended I back my phone up and erase content and then do a restore.
I backed up the phone and erased the content. My phone then would not activate. I looked for days on the Internet and nothing worked. I finally came upon this post and it worked great. My phone has now activated and is in the process of updating after I performed a restore on it. Thank you very much for putting this information out there!!!!!!! Then an additional 15 minutes to download to the phone but mine is back working again!!
You have to go back through the set up again or I did because I did a factory reset to start and then restore from iCloud but it was totally worth it to have my phone work again! This solution worked great. I was having the problem of searching and searching the network After a factory reset, the phone was not able to activate with apple Tried everything ITunes wouldn't even see the phone, then this Tip, Holding the Home button down then plugging in.
I was going to buy another phone, I am glad I read your advice on how to fix it, you save me a lot of money thank u. I couldn't even get the phone to connect in iTunes until you made the comment about holding the home button then plugging in. Thank you for providing a solution.
We bought a new phone from Total Wireless works off Verizon towers.
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After several hours on the phone with their tech support, being sent to Apple, and not getting anywhere, we found you solution and it worked! I am stuck out in the middle east and needed a phone that was unlocked. This did the trick thank you so so so much! Thank you so much , this really helped me a lot. Thanks so much you have fixed my phone without your advice I would have had to spend loads of money on a new phone. I just can't believe this I have visited all service centre and even iPhone service centre but their reply was hilarious..
I thank you from bottom of my heart. I bought my 5s few days ago and today it showed me "searching I tried couple of things I read on the internet nothing worked.
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Apple only want to sell news. I'm having same problem. Apple need to stop having their equipment with this password crap so you have to go thru this. Mostra altri 53 commenti. Switch the phone off, leave the sim card in and put inside a zip seal sandwich bag.
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I put in inside another one for extra protection from moisture. When you get to the home screen. Switch the phone off, wipe off the condensation and put place somewhere warm for an hour so there will be no water damage.
I tried this, combined with the steps ru5ty03 offered, and fixed the "Searching" problem. Neither method on its own worked.
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But in combination, it worked on the second try. One of the many mysteries of life. Thanks for the great info! This is a good temporary solution to just get your iphone activated, but won't fix the underlying faulty baseband chip. I'm not doing that I'm not doing that and I'm not gonna ruin my phone. This worked for me.
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I had to do it twice though. Mostra altri 3 commenti. This has worked for me. At least I was able to activate, I still have "Searching I had been trying to get past the screen " Could Not Activate iPhone because activation server is temporarily unavailable. I did not believe it would work What a brilliant solution!!! Thankyou for giving me back a working phone. Neal, I have the same problem.. It was working before I tried to restore it!
After 4 weeks of having the phone turned off I finally was able to update it and it is finally working! I had exactly the same issue of "Searching", then reset everything from factory, then I was not able to use it cause it got stucked in the Hello white screen. Tried also the software update with iTunes but it showed error message, something about servers not being available. I tried that with 2 different macs both with latest itunes version and the same issue The installation was flawless and the celluar signal came back.
My iphone 5s is working in great condition now. I was so close to sell the phone as scrap. Please, before doing anything radical try updating to El Capitan or at least to use iTunes from a mac with El Capitan to update the firmware of the iphone. I hope this helps somebody out there. It sure did help. I tried this and it worked. I had been unable to activate my iPhone after doing a restore.
I spent many hours on the phone with technical support,searching the internet, restoring again and trying to activate again and again. Nothing worked--until I tried this suggestion. Thanks very much, Adam. Well, this is a common issue after restoring to factory default. You can use a third party tool to help to enter the safe mode of iPhone 5 and then just repair this problem. For anyone reading this thread: If you tried all of the above, as I did, This is what was wrong with mine: Please check in to that before you do a full phone restore.
Luckily, We didn't lose anything as we backed up via iTunes Just follow the below mentioned simple steps, if you wish to activate the iPhone: After that carefully follow all the instructions which are there onscreen in order to activate as well as to set up the device. If after following the above steps your iphone still not get activated then you call Apple Customers Services here.
I have tried all of that, and it is still stuck on "Connect to iTunes". Apple Support says it is equipment failure since there is no IMEI listed on the phone, which indicates baseband failure. I think the phone was Jail Broken which caused the problem.. The freezer trick mentioned above did not work, but Apple says one of their service centers may be able to recover the phone but for a fee that is as much as I bought it for, so I'm returning it to the seller.
I have learned when to give up and "cut my losses". Thanks anyway for the advice, but I have tried all of those things with no results.
iPhone 4 keeps searching for signal
Holding the two buttons together until after the apple logo has shown, continue to hold until a connect to itunes logo has appeared, connect the iphone to itunes and then a message will appear, i had to choose the resstore option to get it to work. You see, our phones are stuck on the activate page, meaning we have NO way of getting INTO our phones to go into our settings, which means Have you tried disconnecting the battery, and let it set unplugged for a few minutes.
Alright I just resolved the problem with my iPhone 5 a few days ago. It hasn't been working for close to 3 weeks with the infinite "searching If all else fails, grab a charger and use the "Restore" feature on iTunes. After repeating step 6 twice, my phone started to pick up cellular service again allowing me to complete setup. Hello, I have the similar problem as you. I'm having an iPhone 5s, with iOS Recently, I have updated to iOS When I insert my SIM card, it shows:. Try connecting your iPhone to iTunes to activate it" - the message pops up in iPhone.
Disconnect your iPhone, make sure the SIM card is inserted correctly. I have had tried countless times to restore it through iTunes and it seems like the problem still persist. Make sure you have a working data connection, whether it is cellular or wifi, otherwise it cannot contact the server.
iPhone 5 won't activate after factory reset
I am learning how to create videos now. It is a really interesting thing. It has a nice playback, you can try it We have a chance to guarantee our right to repair electronic equipment—like smartphones, computers, and even farm equipment. This is a once-in-a-generation chance to protect local repair jobs—the corner mom-and-pop repair shops that keep getting squeezed out by manufacturers. Join the cause and tell your state representative to support Right to Repair. Tell them you believe repair should be fair, affordable, and accessible. Stand up for your right to repair!
Aiuta a Tradurre iFixit. Shows Wi-Fi is connected, and still Searching This site is awesome! Rispondi a questa domanda Anch'io ho questo problema Iscritto a nuove risposte. Questa è una buona domanda? Has anyone found the solution to this problem??? Reset of the phone by holding Home button and Power solved this problem for me.
Have you opened your phone? No you can still activate a device that has a imei block on it you just cant use a sim card. Do the following to fix it: Hold the Power and Home buttons until the phone reboots and you see the Apple logo. Release the Power button but keep holding the Home button. Release the Home button when you see the iTunes logo and the connector below it.
Do this while connected to iTunes. Hopefully you have a recent back-up. It is a large update and will take a while. Good luck and good repair The same issue is happening, I reset my phone, adn it says that it cant updat I was in quite a panic there, thank you - all sorted! Your assistance will be highly appreciated. Jmarreo thank you very much!
What is the iOS version? Hello, I can't open my iPhone 5s after restore anyone give me the answer please. Please give a good Solution!! Skip to the asterisks for the solution. I never jail-broke my phone, opened it, I was not using it when this occurred I believe my problem is the same as yours, and that the airplane mode was unrelated. A lot of research, trial and error was done when I got home. I do not have any special tech background. Questa risposta è stata utile? Just saved me a bundle of money! This actually saved my life.
This worked, along with the freezer suggestion below, thank you!!! I had to try it a couple of times, but it went through on the third attempt. What do I do if my home button doesn't work? You are the best person. I want many good things for you in life. This wont work for me because it wont do what itunes says it should be doing
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