Simple pedometer app for iphone X

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  • This will help reduce your risk for disease and help you lead a longer, healthier life! Some of the many benefits include: Please leave us any friendly feedback, and rate us if you like the app! Please email us at contactus zenlabsfitness. They are not intended nor implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice. You should always consult your healthcare provider before beginning any fitness program.

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    Descrizione Track My Steps - Pedometer Activity Tracker automatically and accurately tracks your daily walk and number of steps! Novità Cronologia aggiornamenti Cronologia aggiornamenti 1. You still swipe up from the main dashboard to see your history as well! Categoria Salute e benessere. Sito di questo sviluppatore Supporto app Norme sulla privacy. Altre app di questo sviluppatore Elenco completo. This update brings with it two major features and a truckload of little improvements and tweaks.

    You now earn badges for the steps you take and the floors you climb. These are available via the top right button from the main screen.

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    My hope is that these will provide you with another source of encouragement and motivation to stay active. The widget you can access from the lock or home screen now includes a detailed graph of your current day's activity to show you your progress more clearly. Additionally, I've done lots of work behind the scenes fixing little bugs or smoothing over past issues. I hope you enjoy this update. I'm delighted to announce version 3. This update unfortunately needed to remove the step-count icon badge feature.

    This update also includes a fix for an issue with resetting the alternative wheelchair icon, a Russian localization correction, and better display of missing days in the app. Thank you for your understanding.

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    This update is geared around trying to tidy up a lot of loose ends and fixing lingering bugs. If you see anything else please let me know, I'm working on a pretty big update next and want everything to be nice and stable before that rolls out. Whoops, a few little bugs slipped through in the last update which added Goal Streak Tracking. Thanks for all the feedback in helping me track these down. To start the year off right this update introduces Goal Streak Tracking to help keep you motivated to hit your goal each day.

    How long of a streak of days can you get?

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    This includes a mechanism for allowing you to have a single rest day each week where you won't break your streak just for resting up. You can turn this off in settings if you want every day to count towards your streak. Additionally, I also fixed a bunch of bugs with accessibility and the Apple Watch complication display. Thank you for all the great feedback about our iOS 10 and watchOS 3 updates.

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    This is a bug fix update that clears up a few little bugs that slipped through including: Keep the feedback coming it really helps me improve the app. This update brings support for iOS 10 and watch OS 3, plus a handful of other minor improvements - Added support for the new wheelchair mode on the Apple Watch.

    Will switch from steps to pushes as the goal metric. A few little goodies in this update.

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    This update is all about cleaning out all the little nagging bugs that I have found over the last few months. Nothing too major but overall you should find the app much more responsive and reliable.

    Thanks for all the kind words around the launch of 2. This update includes a few little fixes for issues that slipped through my testing: There was a bug that could have prevented confetti from falling when you hit your goal under certain circumstances.

    If you have a minute to leave a review in the App Store I'd really appreciate it. They really help in getting the app in front of more and more people. This is a major update focused around integrations with the Apple Watch. He loves checking to see if I have hit my daily step goal and then watching the green confetti that rains down. After much consideration, he has decided that if you double your goal the confetti should be blue.

    So now it is. Also, I have added the ability to disable automatic distance estimation. If you prefer to use a fixed stride length you can now do so.

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    As always if you have a minute to write a review for the app I'd really appreciate it.

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    Quest'app è concepita esclusivamente per utilizzi legali e solo se si hanno determinate ragioni per utilizzare un software di monitoraggio. Le compagnie, per esempio, potrebbero informare i propri dipendenti che i propri telefoni aziendali sono controllati per ragioni di sicurezza

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